€11,5 million investment for the Hungarian production plant of Swedsteel-Metecno

Swedsteel-Metecno has opened the gates of its first Hungarian production plant which will provide the supply of trapezoidal sheets, sandwich panels and other lightweight, galvanized steel products in the whole Eastern-Central-European region. The establishment is the first pillar of the company’s €27 million investment that will be followed by another manufacturing unit in 2017. With the plant Swedsteel-Metecno creates 60 jobs in the construction sector and the number will increase to more than 150 once the second unit is completed. The factory was inaugurated by Alyyan Nabeel, Executive Director of Swedsteel-Metecno and Markus Haiden, Regional Director of Metecno Group.

Swedsteel-Metecno established its Hungarian sales centre in 2015 which was followed by the opening of the first manufacturing unit. The factory is the company’s first unit in Eastern-Central-Europe which is responsible for the production of the complete product portfolio and the product supply of the whole region. The production line deploys innovative, almost fully automatized production technologies which, according to Alyyan Nabeel, Executive Director of Swedsteel-Metecno, ensures excellent competitive position: “As opposed to local standards we exclusively use premium quality raw materials for the manufacturing of our products. Although the purchase price of these materials is higher, thanks to the use of the state-of-art technologies we can keep the cost of production low and thus offer low product prices. This is the reason why regarding product quality Swedsteel-Metecno represents the best price-value ratio on the market, which is further enhanced by the favourable shipping cost in Hungary and the region due to the local manufacturing.”

The company has ambitious plans not only in the Hungarian market. In addition to the local sales centre, new export representation offices will be opened in 16 countries in June 2016: in Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Serbia, Moldavia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. With this, the company will form a commercial network, covering the whole Eastern-Central-European region and reaching even the Caspian Sea area, in which the Hungarian factory has a key role.


“We have outlined growth objectives in the Eastern-Central-European region and their implementation is vastly helped by Hungary’s favourable geographical position, its highly skilled human capital and the stability of the Hungarian market. The Metecno Group has been the global leader in sandwich panel manufacturing for almost fifty years and the Hungarian factory is an important milestone in the history of our company. This is our first unit in the region where the complete product portfolio is manufactured. Moreover, this is our first establishment where we use the most modern automatized production technology so the factory stands as a kind of sample project for our future investments.” – stated Markus Haiden, Regional Director of Metecno Group.

The company is planning the opening of another manufacturing unit worth €15,5 million in 2017 and with the two factories altogether more than 150 jobs will be created in the local construction sector by the end of next year.